Anyway, this is where I am going to be putting all of my projects and photos and ramblings about the stuff I do in the SCA. I'm not expecting a lot of people to be reading this but if you happen to be comments are appreciated so I know when I'm being stalked :D
So, I'm Sophie, known at the moment as Lady Gillian Attwood in the SCA. I say currently because I'd like to change that sometime to another name I like more but in an effort to not confuse people more should it be rejected I am waiting til its registered to officially tell people its changed.
I live in Aneala in the Canton of Aachenfeld and am a member of the College of St Basil the Great. I have been Seneschal of the College for the last two years but will be passing that office on in March. My interests in the SCA include garb-making, (anything and everything, pretty much but I do a lot of English Tudor) embroidery, cooking, singing, dancing, brewing (though my few attempts have been rather faily), archery, rapier, heavy combat, and nothing else really springs to mind right now but I'm sure there's lots of other stuff I do.
So I'm going to start here by writing up projects I've done in the last six months or so scattered in with musings and current projects and etc.

To finish off, here is Gillian looking rather Tudor and rather industrious with some embroidery (and also rather scandalous, GASP bare forearms) at a camping weekend.
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