Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post Festival List of Crazy

Festival was awesome! Had the super best time ever :D Now I have lots of plans though. I have attempted to divide them into some semblence of order.

The ASAP/Ongoing List
1. St Basil A&S Officer Report

2. Get Name and Device registered - following that make PILES of heraldic stuff - banners, guidons, wall hangings, chair covers, bottle covers, shield, tabard, the list goes on and on and on :D

3. I want to put in a bid for the Anealan Midwinter feast as its been a while since I ran a feast and I'd like to do a speccy documented one as opposed to the "Introduction to the SCA" ones I have run before. Don't really know where to start with finding information though.

4. Elenor is really good at hair and when she braids my hair up for events it stays that way all day (and all night if I choose to be lazy and don't take it out) so I want to learn how to do it by myself. I have a feeling its going to take lots and lots of practise but its a goal, perhaps for Festival next year.

5. Be more efficient at upcoming College sewing nights - need to be really organised and have everything needed like equipment, patterning stuff etc so we get heaps and heaps of garb made for newbs :D. Need to get the overlocker working as its a really handy thing to have and wasting hours on it when other things should be happening is really frustrating.

The Royal Visit List
6. Prizes for the fighter auction table - super long lucet cords, and kumihimo cords. Also want to make some blackworked collars and cuffs

7. Make a period dish for the potluck

8. My linen partlet doesn't quite sit right so I'm going to maybe add some ties under the arms to make it a bit easier to wear, once I iron out the kinks in the design I am going to make one for Elenor too.

9. College choir stuff - normally we make gifts when the King and Queen come over but the general consensus at the moment is everyone is money-poor and time-poor so instead we are going to attempt to put together a few songs to perform for their enjoyment instead.

The Pencampwr List
10. I have offered to teach a kumihimo braid class at Pencampwr so I will make up some class notes and a bunch of foam looms for people to use. It should be fun

11. I want to upgrade my bogging garb (aka early morning look what the cat dragged in/last night of event) to be a bit nicer and more functional. Will probably make some generic TSCA baggy pants and tunics and stuff. To class them up I might make some braid for trim or something.

12. Some garb for Lachlahn - he's planning a comeback to fighting so I was going to make him a new Waffenfrock but it doesnt look like his heraldry will be registered by then so I might hold off on that and instead finish a jerkin I started for him about a year ago, and make him a nightshirt (because nobody wants to see him in his underwear in the middle of the night).

13. The final element (for now) in my Handy Dandy Mix and Match Colour Coordinated Fully Integrated Tudor Wardrobe is a plain black overdress with puff sleeves, may get that started for Pencampwr, we'll see. It's not essential

The Mid-Year Break List
14. MAN SEW! I have promised a number of guys I will help them with their garb - Keg with basic tunic-y things and maybe landschneckt (one day I will learn how to spell it), Gilbert with cotehardies, Alexander with awesome sexy Tudor, and Lachlahn with his early stuff as well as some more Tudor and 'Bethan. Should be a number of learning curves involved, and lots of fun :D

The November Crown List
15. I was inspired by Stanzi rocking a hoopskirt for the whole of Festival so I'd like to try and be that person at November Crown. First I'll need to make a new farthingale as my retic one is looking a bit sad and squashed out of shape. I would like to try making one out of cane. I would like to finish the red Spanish dress (it still needs a stack more black embroidery and the trazando needs a re-work) and perhaps revamp the brown court Tudor (again...remaking it is getting a bit old, but it gets better every time I do). I'd like at least one more speccy dress, perhaps the OMG CRAZY BLUE AND ORANGE SPANISH that looks fantastic in my head but might be slightly vomit inducing in person, we'll see.

16. The other idea is to make a "court kirtle" like in the Tudor Tailor out of some nice fabric I have just over a metre of (so using it for the bits that show and using something else for the hidden bits) and wearing the black overgown that I hypothetically have already finished by now as the overdress. The advantage of this is that by the time I get around to making new court Tudor (which will be inevitable) I will be halfway there already.

The "Festival Next Year" List
17. Have all of my Tudor smocks blackworked (currently I'm sitting on 1/2 out of 5)

18. Woolen overcoat-jacket thing

19. Linen hose and period shoes (for the not-wet-times)

The "Sometime Down the Track" List
20. Headwear to go with cotehardies as I occasionally wear them

21. That new flat cap I cut out a while ago...not sure where the pieces ended up though

22. Period tent, rope bed, furniture etc

23. Finish the beading on Lachlahn's black coat (may take a few years)

And just some thoughts on the end...

I feel as if I'm in a bit of a loop with the sewing thing. Although, proud to say only about half of my list is sewing. Its like I'm a broken record of making new garb, then making more new garb, then making more, but there's so many other things I could do as well, like training, or learning new things like C&I or woodworking or weaving or whatever else. I guess sewing is easy in that I can do it whenever, whereas training and other things that involve other people are more constrained as to when they can happen. The problem is that I will start a sewing project when its the only thing I can be doing at the time but by the time opportunities for other things come up I have committed myself to a project with a deadline and getting it finished always seems more appealing. I don't think its a massive problem at the moment because I'm still having fun and I do really enjoy making and wearing new garb, but if this obsessiveness with making new garb to deadlines keeps up and I start wanting to do other stuff as well, I may have to have a rethink. Just saying :D

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