Monday, September 20, 2010


Here I was thinking that Baronial Championship was going to be easy because all it requires is getting all the Champions in one place to do their thing and cooking some food - no Stewardly customisation required.

How wrong I was!

All my wayward ideas about various things to do with the event that seemed out of place suddenly just conglomerated into one WONDERFUL, MASSIVE, THEME and it has all clicked so nicely.

Only thing is the event is four days away *facetable*

I think there is still time to salvage the expectations I have been hearing from people about the "tavern on Saturday night" (which I have NOT advertised), feelings that Championship is only exciting/meaningful if you are entering, and the general feeling that it is going to be just another same-old Championship.

Not at MY event :D

For me at the moment its all about making events more than just events. Sure, on one level they are an SCA event where we all dress up funny and (sometimes) talk funny and do funny things for our own personal enjoyment. But on a different level they are also events for our personas, and I think in general our personas have been having a pretty poor time lately :P

How did I get here? - so I have been against having the traditional "Saturday night tavern" at my Championship - mainly because due to November Crown the Golden Rose Bardic Competition (to decide the next Bard of Aneala) has been shifted to Championship. Normally the Golden Rose is held at Bal d'Aneala - a very classy affair. Its my belief that the Golden Rose is important and should be treated as such - therefore boat racing and cleavage sniffing between performances is no-go. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against drinking and silliness happening at my event - just not during the Bardic competition.

But coming up with some other way of describing this Saturday dinner proved challenging. So challenging that I decided to just refer to it as the "Saturday dinner". I toyed with the idea of making it like the B&B had invited us into their home and we were sharing a simple meal with them, but it slipped my mind and other things got in the way. It was this past weekend when I heard several people referencing the Saturday night as "tavern night" when I realised I had to do something or people would be disappointed.

I started thinking about the event as a whole. We are going to see the new Champions decided...but as Medieval personas...where are we going? Why are we camping out? Where is the food coming from? Its no longer enough for me to just say "Come along to Championship, there will be food, tournaments and good times!" I want more!

So here is the idea: We have all been invited to join their Excellencies at their seaside estate, a land of open skies, grassy fields, the sound of the ocean roaring at night when all else is silent, upon which is situated a tourney field and manor house. There they will hold tournaments to decide their new champions, and honour their new champions with a Victory Feast on the Sunday night where they will spare no expense in procuring the best foods and entertainments. The Saturday night we will all be invited in to join their Excellencies to partake of a simple meal with them in their Hall, while the Bard is decided from those who would entertain. Visitors are encouraged to visit the local tavern following dinner, as it is well reputed and draws a lively attendance each night.

Those willing are invited to pitch tents in the grounds surrounding the manor and those who wish may occupy rooms in the Manor House. Their Excellencies would see the colours of their populace adorning their grounds as it brings much joy to them. Loyal staff of their Excellencies will cook a hot breakfast for the populace each morning (with their Excellencies honouring us by entering the kitchen themselves on the Sunday morning) Their Excellencies will hold courts outside in the grounds and encourage all those not entering the tournaments to support the entrants but also to keep themselves entertained with games, or assistance in preparing for November Crown.

How can I achieve this in four days? Well for starters I will need to contact the B&B and check with them that they like this idea - as it does kind of heavily involve them :P Perhaps for the weekend I could be the Steward not of the event, but of their fictional seaside estate.

I need to post something like the above italicized stuff to the mailing lists so people have an idea of what to expect. I may also make some welcome cards with information like when breakfast will be served, etc that makes people feel like they have actually come somewhere different than just Ern Halliday again. Other little (silly) touches could be printing a "Manor House" sign to stick on the dorm door (lol). Could also have fun with the cable gate they have installed which needs a code to enter - gatekeeper? :P

The biggest way of achieving this will be theatre - thats what turns events from just events to something more. I will see what the B&B think but I will probably need them to say a few words at choice moments to keep us in the mood.

I think as long as I do these things I have the makings of a memorable event that is more than just a bunch of tourneys whacked together with a feast in the middle.

What do you think? Does anyone else have any ideas?

P.S. I love blogs! Its just like having someone to talk to when you're the only one still up at midnight and you have a REALLY COOL IDEA! Plus they don't judge or interrupt (well, maybe if the net crashes).


  1. WOW! This is a great idea.
    Sounds like lots of fun.

    Any help you need let me know :P

    Looking forward to it even more, if that was possible :)

  2. I love how you're not doing the same ol same ol! :) Themes and making things click is what stewarding is all about. Clever and thoughtful events always bring enjoyment to the masses. Magical stuff! Well done!
